14th Annual R&R Camp
R&R Camp is based at the Folsom School in South Hero.
Campers should wear the Camp t-shirt. Shorts must be of an acceptable length. Shoes should be comfortable and allow the camper to participate safely in physical activities (no flip flops). On Tuesday and Friday, campers should bring a swimsuit (2 piece swimsuits may be worn along with a t-shirt or swim shirt) and towel. On Friday, campers should also bring water shoes.
Electronic devices (cell phones, Ipods, cameras, etc.) will be allowed but can only be used during breaks and are the responsibility of the camper.
Breakfast snacks, lunch and midday snacks will be provided.
5:00 pm – 6:30pm at Folsom School Gym, South Hero
Registration starts at 5:00pm and will be followed by a Camp Briefing. A parent or legal guardian must attend with the camper. All required paperwork (release forms, etc) will be emailed to campers as we approach July and will be collected at Final Registration. Campers will be issued a T-shirt which they can keep.
If your child needs medication during the week (prescriptions, epi pens, etc), bring it in a zip lock bag with your child’s name and include instructions. Please leave medications in original packaging.
MONDAY, July 18
Educational Presentations and Team Building Activities
TUESDAY, July 19
Pump House Water Park at Jay Peak
Educational Presentations and Team Building Activities
ArborTrek Canopy Adventures at Smugglers’ Notch
FRIDAY, July 22
Water Day at Ladd’s Landing Marina with Fire and Rescue demonstrations, boat rides and swimming
Graduation Ceremony at 4:00pm at Folsom School, parents are welcome to attend
A bus will pick up and drop off campers at the Alburgh, Isle La Motte, North Hero and Grand Isle schools at the times listed below. Bus service to and from camp will not be offered for South Hero residents. Please be on time for bus pick up and drop off so that the bus is not delayed.
** THERE WILL BE NO AFTERNOON DROP OFF ON FRIDAY, JULY 22 as camp will end at the Folsom School and parents must pick up their campers there by 4:30pm. **
Morning Bus Pick Up Schedule
Monday – Friday
Alburgh – 6:55am
Isle La Motte – 7:10am
North Hero – 7:25am
Grand Isle – 7:40am
Bus arrives at Folsom School at 8:00am
**Campers not riding the bus may be dropped off between 7:45am-8:00am.
Afternoon Bus Drop Off Schedule will be as follows except on Friday when there will be no bus
drop off. On Friday, July 22 parents will pick up their campers at the Folsom School on South Street in
South Hero.
Monday – Thursday
Bus departs Folsom School at 4:00pm
** Campers not riding the bus must be picked up between 4:00pm-4:15pm.
Grand Isle – 4:15pm
North Hero – 4:30pm
Isle La Motte – 4:45pm
Alburgh – 5:00pm
**If campers are riding their bikes to or from the school, they must wear a bicycle helmet.
Day Trips
Tuesday – 8:30am, bus will travel to the Pump House at Jay Peak, Jay, VT. We will depart the Pump House at 2:00pm and return to Folsom School.
Thursday – 8:30am, bus will travel to ArborTrek Canopy Adventures, 1239 Edwards Rd, Jeffersonville, VT. We will depart ArborTrek at 2:45pm and return to Folsom School.
Friday – 8:30am bus will travel to Ladd’s Landing Marina in Grand Isle. We will depart Ladd’s Landing at 3:00pm and return to Folsom School.